Lyric: Return to the past


Category: Không Lời

Qu: Zhou Jie Lun
Music: Jay Chou

Ci: Liu Geng Hong
Lyrics: Liu Geng Hong

一盏黄黄旧旧的灯 / 时间在旁闷不吭声
yi zhan huang huang jiu jiu de deng / shi jian zai pang men bu keng sheng
An old yellow lamp / time beside me, not making a sound

寂寞下手毫无分寸 / 不懂得轻重之分
ji mo xia shou hao wu fen cun / bu dong de qing zhong zhi fen
Loneliness mercilessly on me / not knowing different intensities (of light and hard)

沉默支撑跃过陌生 / 静静看着凌晨黄昏
chen mo zhi cheng yue guo mo sheng / jing jing kan zhe ling chen huang hun
Quietness has crossed over to strangeness / quietly looking at morning and sunset

你的身影 / 失去平衡 / 慢慢下沉
ni de shen ying / shi qu ping heng / man man xia chen
Your silhouette / losing balance / falling slowly

黑暗已在空中盘旋 / 该往哪我看不见
hei an yi zai kong zhong pan xuan / gai wang na wo kan bu jian
Darkness is already encircling us in the sky / where I should face? I can't see

也许爱在梦的另一端 / 无法存活在真实的空间
ye xu ai zai meng de ling yi duan / wu fa cun huo zai zhen shi de kong jian
Perhaps love is at the other end of a dream / unable to survive in the realms of reality


想回到过去 / 试著抱你在怀里
xiang hui dao guo qu / shi zhe bao ni zai huai li
Want to return to the past / to try to hug you

xiu qie de lian dai you yi dian zhi qi
Blushing (shy) face has a little childish side

想看你的看的世界 / 想在你梦的画面
xiang kan ni de kan de shi jie / xiang zai ni meng de hua mian
Want to see the world you see / want to be in your dreams

zhi yao kao zai yi qi jiu neng gan jue tian mi
Only if we lean on each other can we feel the sweetness (or blissfulness)

想回到过去 / 试著让故事继续
xiang hui dao guo qu / shi zhe rang gu shi ji xu
Want to return to the past / to try to allow the story to continue

zhi shao bu zai rang ni li wo er qu
At least I won't allow you to leave me again

分散时间的注意 / 这次会抱得更紧
fen san shi jian de zhu yi / zhe ci hui bao de geng jin
I'll take note when we part / to hug you even tighter

这样挽留不知 / 还来不来得及
zhe yang wan liu bu zhi / hai lai bu lai de jii
This sort of salvage effort, I don't know if it's still in time

xiang hui dao guo qu
Want to return to the past

si xu bu duan zu dang zhe hui yi bo fang
Emotions keep stopping the memories playing (in my head)

mang mu de zhui xun reng ran kong kong dang dang
Blindly chasing and looking yet still empty-handed (or in vain)

hui meng meng de ye wan shui yi you bu zhi duo dao na qu
On a grey and unclear night, I don't know where sleep has hidden

yi zhuan shen gu dan yi tang zai shen pang
Before I know it loneliness is already lying beside me

Repeat Chorus

沉默支撑跃过陌生 / 静静看着凌晨黄昏
chen mo zhi cheng yue guo mo sheng / jing jing kan zhe ling chen huang hun
Quietness has crossed over to strangeness / quietly looking at morning and sunset

你的身影 / 失去平衡 / 慢慢下沉
ni de shen ying / shi qu ping heng / man man xia chen
Your silhouette / losing balance / falling slowly

xiang hui dao guo qu
Want to return to the past

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Address: NCT Holdings, Inc. 47 Cortlandt Street, Tầng 17 New York, NY 10009

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